About Me

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I am an accidental Scientist. Creative and imaginative by nature, I had always thought I would be a writer/ editor for some largely famous company, but in the long run... DNA became my topic of choice and lifelong partner.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Life as usual

I realize it's been 3 weeks since my last post. Life.. has taken over! Well, we survived Irene and I recently began my NYU classes and am finally getting used to this weird commuter schedule. I must say, NYC is growing on me. Everyday, even though there's a million people and tons of air pollution, I find myself loving the city more & more. I've even thought about moving there in the next few years... even if it means having no car, a smaller living space, no back yard, and having to climb 4 flights of stairs. All of that used to seem scary, but now it seems adventurous. Who is this person that's typing? I would have never said anything like that 5 years ago. We'll see....

I have yet to recieve my DNA results and am so excited to get them :) I think I know which haplo group my maternal side came from, but we'll know here soon. With that being said, I can't wait to get my hands on some research. I miss the lab! And I'm excited about picking a lab to work with by this fall :) So far my classes have gone from a difficulty of understandable ---> extreme. I think I may have permanently damaged my brain when trying to figure out a crazy analytical question. I hope it recovers.

I did get to celebrate my B-Day by going to the Jets-Cowboys game where the Jets won the game specifically for me!  Oh, and seeing our former Preseident bush there with his wife. Interesting....

On another note! The Curly Accidental Scientist website had its 1000th visitor on 9/5... exactly 1 month after its creation.  :) Keep it coming! As of today, (45 days old) we've had  +1350. I'm glad to see that people are finding it useful, and believe me, I wish I would've had all of this information when I was an undergrad. With that being said, I've got tons of reading to do, I miss my LSAMP students, and one of my professors just cancelled class b/c he has to go to Barcelona for a conference. I like how the rest of this week looks!
Keep telling others about it and see you again soon!!

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